In line with MWC's overarching theme for this year, Embracing Differences, the photo exhibition dis- played 30 photographs of migrant workers @ Work, Live and Play. The images were captured by the Labour Movement youth wing's photography group, Team Young NTUC 20/20, a professional group born from young, union activists. The three-day exhibition was launched through the piecing-together of a photo jig- saw puzzle depicting migrant workers of different nationalities by special guests, Guest-of-Honour Minister of State for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin, Co-chairman of the Migrant Workers' Forum Kenneth Loo, Chairman of Young NTUC Benjamin Tang, as well two migrant workers under- MWC's care. The exhibition was open to the public and ended on 23 December 2011. Aimed at generating greater awareness amongst the Singaporean public of migrant workers @ Work, Live and Play, the event served to give Singaporeans an insight into the lives of migrant workers here. MWC hopes to promote greater understanding and acceptance of the migrant workers in our midst, as well as enhance the integration and harmonious co-existence between migrants and locals at the workplace and in the community. Photo 2020 PRO Text courtesy of www.ntuc.org.sg
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